Monday, February 17, 2014

Why "A Beautiful Era"?

I believe that everyone has their own definition of a time period that they perceive to be the "best" time period. For some it was the head-banging, neon-lit 1980's, or the flower-power, peace-and-love 1960's, or like old souls like myself, the roaring, rebellious jazz age of the 1920's (minus the slightly oppressive state for females- could've done without that.) But in all actuality, what's synonymous with all of these time periods is that there was a group of people, usually in their late teens to early 20's -- that just enjoyed their time, enjoyed what they had, and lived life with no regrets.

The name of this blog is "A Beautiful Era" for a reason. Honestly, I feel that if I were this age, living in any time period, I would be having the time of my life. Tapping into my people-watching tendencies, I simply can't help but smile when I think of how great it is to be young. One of the perks of living in a college town is you truly never run out of sights to see and stories to tell. It could be a Tuesday Night, and people are hell-bent on having a great night at the local bar, even though they have an 8am class the following morning that they may or may not make it to, but hey! They can just worry about that tomorrow. Today doesn't have to affect tomorrow, it just has to for this moment - for right now. It's a time when you can be completely free to do whatever you please, and maybe have one too many beers or glasses of wine, and turn to your friend the next day and laugh because it happened. It's a time where you can forget the world and get lost in a sunlit park by yourself and reflect upon the past and the future. It's a time of bliss, and a time of possibility.

Something I admire about young adulthood is every person's willingness to be daring, bold and adventurous. You can get up and sing Karaoke in front of complete strangers with no hesitation, simply because it's fun and you know your biggest fans are all the friends who encouraged you to do it in the first place, like my lovely friend: 

Or you change it up, and give yourself a whole new look, reinvent yourself, or simply just spice things up, like my friend who decided that it was time to give her blonde locks and bit of a "color"
(doesn't it look great?!)

This is the state of the most resiliency, the most bravery, and the most courageousness, anyone will ever have. You have a chance to make wrong choices and bounce back, laugh them off, and chalk it up to living. You have to chance to mend your own heart and realize how strong you really are. You have the chance the be the most responsible person and the most rebellious person all in one day. Who says you can't be a flower child soul who loves Madonna in her "Like A Virgin" days whilst calling you're dearest friends "old sport" and drinking martinis? Because really, we have nothing to lose, nothing holding us back, and deep down I think every young adult knows--the fun is just beginning.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Defining "Beauty."

Take a moment and think about the word "Beauty."
What comes first to your mind?

It's amazing how varied of responses can stem from this one word.  It truly can be anything, from a beautiful picture, to a beautiful person, to a beautiful moment.

If you were to look up the definition right now, it would return as "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight."

What's great about this is that in its own definition, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. It is as unique in definition as it is in the world. 

When I think of beauty, I also have a flurry of images, thoughts, people, and objects that rush my mind like a waterfall.  I am, by nature, a dreamer, so as a part of my mission with this post, I want to encourage that you be a dreamer in this moment as well. 

We live in a world where beauty is often manipulated to be standardized, run of the mill, status quo. This is where my extremely Latin and stubborn side comes out. I think we can all agree what we consider "beautiful" is superbly unique. Perfect example: I am what you would call somewhat of a music snob, I like what I like and have no qualms about it. Give me an iPod with some Young the Giant and Otis Redding and I'm set for life. To me, when I hear their music, I define it as beautiful, and breath-taking, and, forgive me for this pun, "music to my ears." My brother on the other hand, quite the opposite. He was born and bred to be a Rock Star. I'm talking Metallica and AC/DC nonstop. He practiced his guitar for hours and hours until his fingers bled, until he nailed the songs he loved most. One day, in one of our many tiffs about playing music in the car (he'd been driving so he clearly won the argument), he played "Master of Puppets," turned up the stereo, and said "listen to, what skill." At that moment I understood. To him, that was beauty. That was his art, and it made him happy, and in that moment, I thought nothing could be more beautiful.

This makes me think of many moments that go on in life that go unappreciated. This is the time when many people are finding out about acceptances into schools, be it college, graduate school, law school. In that moment, when that person opens up their envelope and sees "Congratulations." Beautiful. When someone realizes their dream is coming true. Beautiful. Other moments? Seeing someone for the first time in a while, a joyful reunion. Beauty in the smiles of those who are simply wish you to "have a good day" or "enjoy." Beauty in a child's face when they look up to their parent. Beauty in the excitement of going on a date, or meeting up with friends, or even going home (especially those who are away for a long period of time, like us collegiate folk.) 

Sometimes, you need to escape to understand what you consider beautiful. My friend and I recently took a break from it all and decided to drive to Panama City Beach for the day. Why not? We're young, we had a break, and in this cold winter mindset, a little sun never hurt anyone. This was our chance to cast our worries away, so with that, we got in our car with some good music and hit the road. We went for some sunshine, but what we got from our adventure as a whole was so much more.

I believe that the beauty of letting go and escaping is finding a revived and renewed feeling of who you are. Letting your inner beauty out of its cage, unadulterated, and free (and confused and happy at the same time-- Perfect Taylor Swift reference, don't you think?!)

So, this is my challenge to you all. take the time to reflect, right here, right now.  What in this very moment, is beautiful to you?

Let it be.